No matter how quickly modern medicine develops, mud therapy remains relevant and, most importantly, a highly effective way to get rid of a large number of diseases. Mud therapy is a favorable option for pain relief in patients with knee OA. It helps in treating chronic pain, constipation, inflammation, headaches, stress, skin diseases, and it also helps a lot as a detoxification therapy.
We will provide you a therapy with Exclusive Saks’ke Lake Mud. The age of this Lake is over 5000 years. Due to climatic and volcanic activities The Saks’ke Bay gradually separated from the sea and turned into a salt reservoir. That why the Mud of this lake is reach with different minerals and salts and could be very beneficial for your health and skin.
Therapeutic mud is rich in minerals such as magnesium, sulfur and sodium. The best would be to go directly to get a fresh mud bath. However, if you cannot travel, you can get a similar effects, with a mud treatment in our center.